Selected Exhibitions

Palm Beach Modern Contemporary, Palm Beach, Florida       2025

The Palm Beach Art Show, Palm Beach, Florida                     2025

Art Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida                                      2025

Context Art Basel , Miami, Florida                                            2024

Palm Beach Modern Contemporary, Palm Beach, Florida       2024

The Palm Beach Art Show, Palm Beach, Florida                     2024

Art Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida                                      2024

Red Dot Miami Art Basel, Miami, Florida                                 2023

The Palm Beach Art Show, Palm Beach, Florida                     2023

Red Dot Miami Art Basel, Miami, Florida                                 2022
Spectrum Miami Art Basel, Miami, Florida                               2022 
The Palm Beach Art Show, Palm Beach, Florida                     2022

Red Dot Miami Art Basel, Miami, Florida                                  2021

Spectrum Miami Art Basel, Miami, Florida                                2021

The Palm Beach Art Show, Palm Beach, Florida                     2021

Artist Talk Series, Park Avenue Contemporary, 
Winter Park, Florida                                                                  2021

Meet The Artists, Bronze Kingdom; Orlando, Florida               2021

The Art Of Mosaics, CityArts; Orlando, Florida                        2021

Florida Grown, Orlando Museum of Art: Orlando, Florida        2021

ADC Fine Art, Cincinnati, Ohio (Current)                                 2021

12th Annual ACA  (Art Comes Alive) Cincinnati, Ohio             2021

Park Avenue Contemporary Gallery, Winter Park, Fl.             2021        
2021 to present.

CityArts Orlando, The Art of Mosaics                                       2021

Rosenbaum Contemporary, Florida                                         2020

FAVO, Orlando, Florida (Current)                                             2020

CityArts Orlando, Pop Art Palooza February                            2020
Studio E Gallery, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida (Current)       2019

Spectrum Miami Art Show during Art Basel. Miami, Florida     2019
Representation by ArtBlend

Orlando Museum of Art, First Thursdays                                  2019

Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show                                 2019

Palm Beach Art Fair                                                                  2019

Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Sanford, Florida                 2019

Spectrum Miami Art Show during Art Basel. Miami, Florida     2018

CityArts Factory Solo Art Exhibit “Keyed Up”                            2018

Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Sanford Florida                   2018

Guarisco Gallery, Washington DC (current)                               2017

Spectrum Miami Art Show during Art Basel. Miami, Florida      2017

Recycle Art Show Orlando, Florida                                           2017

CityArts Factory Theatrix!                                                         2017

Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!”, World Wide 2010 - present
Over 12 Museums in 3 Countries

San Diego Air & Space Museum, California                              2014

Science of Ripley’s 6 year traveling exhibit with stops at
Museums and science centers across North America               2019

Scott Laurent Collection, Winter Park Florida                   2013-2015

Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Sanford Florida          2013 -2015

National Arts Program, Orlando International Airport        2013-2017

CityArts Factory, Orlando Florida                                       2008-2015

Faith Arts Village (FAVO) Orlando Florida                         2013- 2014

Baldwin Park Art Stroll, Orlando Florida                             2013-2014

University Club, Orlando Florida                                                  2014

Hyder Gallery, Sanford Florida                                            2013-2012

West Oaks Mall, Orlando Florida                                                  2013

Gallery Fresh, Avalon Park, Orlando Florida                                2012

“In The Artist’s Studio” Moderated by Lauren Rowe
Channel 6 News Orlando at The Mezz                                         2012

Q Gallery, Orlando Florida                                                            2011

Publications and Reviews 

Autorino, Denise. Passport Winter Park. Fall/Winter Vol. 20      2023

Autorino, Denise. Passport Winter Park. Fall/Winter Vol. 18      2021

New South Findings. Linda Jerkins August 1                            2021

SUNDAY PEOPLE MAGAZINE (United Kingdom) (2021)        2021

A New Look at George Washington. Diana Belchase              2019          

Buying the Bizarre: Confessions and Adventures
of a Compulsive Collector.
Edward Meyer, 2019 (Pages 453-454)                                     2019

SE FLORIDA Style & Design Magazine Fall                            2019
"Doug Powell's Art" Pages 10, 231   By Debra Kronowitz
Diary of a Tile Addict, June 10, 2019 "QWERTY Art" 
 H.L. Simpson                                                                           2019
ASPIRE DESIGN And HOME Magazine, Summer Edition
 "This Waterfront Property In The West Village Is Dressed
In Soulful Minimalism" By Aspire Design Home                       2019

SE FLORIDA Style & Design Magazine Spring                       2019
"The World of Art Collecting" Pages 312,340,341,367
By Debra Kronowitz

ORLANDO LIVE Video Broadcast interview June 2018
with Sasha Anesa Rahaman                                                   2018

NEWS 96.5 WDBO “Tech Talk Radio Show” Hosted
by Refresh Computers Andre Klass                                        2018

Spectrum Miami 2017 Video Interview with Doug Powell
Puzzle Art                                                                                2017

David Martin “Key Strokes of Genius!”
WOFL Fox 35 Orlando Television August 2017                       2017

Oviedo Life Magazine May/June Jill Duff-Hoppes P. 24-25     2017

Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!” Shatter Your Senses (Page 135) 2017

Dewayne Bevil. “6590 Computer Keys Capture Princess
Leia for Ripley” Front Page Orlando Sentinel Dec 17              2017

Orlando Family Magazine April (P. 8)                                      2017

Book Cover Artwork “Through Their Eyes” Gina Bolton          2016

Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!” Unlock The Weird (Page 207)     2016

Mary Kay Blog “Breaking New Ground”                                  2016

Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!” The Collection Page 22              2015

Julie Bort. “Ripley's Bought Portrait Of Steve
Jobs” Business Insider Jan. 14,                                              2014 

David Moye. “Steve Jobs Computer Key Portrait Acquired
By Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!”                                                2014

Huffington Post 01/14/                                                              2014 

Brian Gillie. “Ripley's acquires Steve Jobs portrait

Made entirely from old keyboard keys”

Examiner January 14, 2014 

Thời gian. “Chân dung Steve Jobs ghép bằng phím máy tính”

VietnamNet 16/01/2014                                                                2014


İstanbul Fm 23 OCAK 2014                                                          2014

David Martin. “Puzzle Art”
WOFL Fox 35 Orlando Television April 2,2013 

Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!” The Collection Page 2                      2013
Mel Melcon. “Ripleys Believe It Or Not”

Los Angeles Times May 20, 2013 

Cassandra Palmer. “In The Artist’s Studio With Doug Powell”

Florida Travel And Life June 18, 2012 

Amy KD Tobik. “Piece By Piece”

Seminole Chronical June 9-12, 2011 

Frank Garcia. “Duzzle Art”
What’s Happening Magazine April Edition                                     2011

Dewayne Bevil. “Putting Together A Work Of Art”

Orlando Sentinel December 6, 2010 

Recognition and Awards

BEST OF SHOW, ACA (Art Comes Alive) International 
Exhibition ADC Fine Art, Cincinnati, Ohio

Orlando Museum of Art, First Thursdays                                         2021

First Place, First Thursdays, Orlando Museum of Art;                     2019
Orlando, Florida

Art Basel, Spectrum Miami 2018
"SPECTRUM SELECTS AWARD WINNER"                                   2018

Art Basel, Spectrum Miami 2018
"SPOTLIGHT PROGRAM AWARD"                                                2018

Art Basel, Spectrum Miami "DIRECTOR'S AWARD 2018"             2018

Welcome Center Sanford Florida                                                   2018

Art Basel, Spectrum Miami “DIRECTOR’S AWARD 2017"

BEST OF SHOW, Oviedo’s 42nd Annual Great Day In The
Country Art Festival. Oviedo, Florida                                              2015

1st PLACE. National Arts Program. Orlando International
Airport.                                                                                             2015

Welcome Center Sanford Florida                                                    2014

1st PLACE. National Arts Program. Orlando International
Airport.                                                                                             2013

BEST OF SHOW, Historic Sanford Welcome Center
Sanford Florida                                                                                2013

Downtown Orlando Partnership 2012 SILVER BRICK AWARD
“In The Artist’s Studio With Doug Powell’s Puzzle Art”                    2012


Interfusion Art Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico              2025 to present

Syd Entel Galleries, Safety Harbor, Florida                   2023 to present

Quidley and Company, Naples, Florida                         2023 to present

Park Avenue Contemporary Gallery, Winter Park, Fl.    2021 to present

Bronze Kingdom Museum, Orlando, Florida                  2019 to 2021

Helmuth Stone Gallery, Sarasota                                   2021 to present

Studio E Gallery, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida            2019 to present

Private collection, West Village, New York City.                              2019

Four Seasons Hotel, Washington, DC                                             2019

University of Denver, 
Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science                        2019

Private Collection. San Diego, California                                         2018

Private Collection. Santo Domingo Dominican Republic                 2018

Private Collection. Mali, West Africa                                                2018

University of Miami, Frost School of Music, Miami, Fl                     2018

Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California                                        2017

Private Collection. Miami, Florida                                                    2017

Guarisco Gallery. Washington, DC                                 2017 to present

Private Collection. Boston, Massachusetts                                     2016

Mary Kay Corporation, Dallas, Texas                                              2016

Tressor Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana                                        2016

Private Collection. Santa Clara, California                                      2015

Marriott Hotel Convention Center, Santa Clara, California              2015

Private Collection. Morristown, New Jersey                                    2015

Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!” Museums                                   2010-2016

Hollywood California, San Diego California, Times Square

New York City, Sudbury Canada, San Antonio Texas,

London, Europe, San Francisco California, Branson

Missouri, Key West Florida, St Augustine Florida, Orlando

Florida, Panama City Florida, Baltimore Maryland,

Ocean City Maryland, Amsterdam Holland

Private Collection, Australia                                                          2014

San Diego Air And Space Museum                                               2013

Additional Skills

Glass tile, Up-Cycled Materials, Photo Mosaic

Acrylic abstract paintings, Video Editing


DOUG POWELL, Oviedo, Florida The innovative artist Doug Powell creates the illusion of three-dimensional form through the use and arrangement of recycled or up-cycled computer keyboard keys. Each computer key cap has a unique, tangible history that bears the weathered patina of thousands of uses. 

“I want the viewer to ponder the infinite, profound combination of thoughts, ideas and inspirations that have surely passed through this intellectual porthole...all made possible with just the common computer key,” Powell said. 

From a distance, the three-dimensional mosaics look like a textured painting, but closer examination reveals an unexpected landscape of hidden words, phrases and quotes intimately related to the work. In effect, the viewer gets a little history lesson and further insight into the subject. 

Since pioneering the art form in 2010, Powell has had more than 25 mosaics installed in more then a dozen Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not!” museums worldwide. 

In 2017 and 2018, Powell was featured in the Spectrum Miami Art Show during Art Basel winning the Director’s Award both years as well as Spectrum Selects and Spotlight Awards. Doug has also been featured in the prestigious Palm Beach Art Exhibit at the Palm Beach Convention Center, Florida 2018 – 2023. 

 Powell’s list of commissions is quickly growing and includes Hyatt House Hotel, Orlando, Florida; Hilton Garden Inn, Cape Canaveral, Florida; Marriott Resorts, Santa Clara, California; Mary Kay Headquarters, Dallas, Texas; Ripley’s Entertainment; Intel Corporation; University of Miami and University of Denver as well as many private collectors including patrons from the Dominican Republic; Mali, West Africa; Saudi Arabia; Austria; New Finland; Canada; Hollywood, California; Boston, Massachusetts and New York.


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  Artist Doug Powell Iconic Up-Cycled Computer Key Art 

 Doug Powell • Oviedo, FL4073258866
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